March 31, 2010

Microsoft Word 2007 - Add a Document Watermark

Have you ever wondered, “How can I mark my Word 2007 document as secret or confidential with a watermark?” A background watermark can help signify that your Microsoft Word 2007 document should be treated as "Secret", "Confidential", or is a rough draft.

Word 2007 has many options for creating watermarks. Although default watermark types are provided, you can also create watermarks with your own custom text or image. You can also tweak the watermark size, font, color, and how much the watermark will stand out from the document.

Follow these easy steps to put a watermark on your Word document.

1. Click the "Page Layout" tab in the ribbon at the top of Word 2007.

2. In the "Page Background" group, click the "Watermark" command.

3. You can either select a preset watermark, or you can click “Custom Watermark”

If you decide to do a custom watermark, you can either choose to create your own text (i.e. your company name) or you can choose to do a “washout” of an image (i.e. company logo).

March 30, 2010

Custom Metal Products Site Update

"Life-long clients" isn't just a buzz word for Your Computer Lady. We work very hard to maintain long term relationships with clients. Recently, Custom Metal Products learned the value of this principal.

CMP needed to update product cut-sheets that were featured on their web site.  YCL was able to go into our back up files to find the two year old cut-sheets. This saved time and cost since we didn't have to re-create the cut-sheets. The cut-sheets were updated and the site was updated within 48 hours!

Custom Metal Products product cut-sheet

Leo Buscaglia Site Update

For the fourth consecutive year, YCL has updated the Leo Buscaglia Foundation site! We are very proud of this ongoing relationship with a very worthwhile organization. Each year the Foundation makes grants to organizations across the US that support their mission of building community spirit. YCL updates the site to showcase the year's recipients. The Report to Contributors page offers links to each recipient to allow visitors to learn about each organization. The Home Page includes a FLASH of a selection of recipient logos.

March 29, 2010

Dyna-Tech Sales Email Campaign

Dyna-Tech needed to get information out quickly about some great new products. They scheduled 3 emails to spread the news.

  • There are actually 2 divisions within the company. So the email designs needed to be similar but   different.
  • The messages needed to go out in a relatively short period of time. Your Computer Lady used 3 different people to get the job done.

Not a Challenge:
  • Dyna-Tech is in Branchburg, New Jersey. Distance isn't a problem at all thanks to email and YCL's use of an online meeting service.
  • Your Computer Lady has specialists on call for graphic design and for HTML programming for special needs.

February 19, 2009 Email
March 5, 2009 Email
March 11, 2009 Email

March 26, 2010

Mindthe_Gap Marketing Web Site

This brand new company needed a web site to showcase the talents of the principal and associates. The message needed to be strong and clear.  YCL worked with Mt_G's graphic artist to build the site. Content Management Software was included to allow Andrea Norman to update and expand the site as needed.

  • Gathering information and a portfolio from Andrea's past successes to showcase her talents.
  • Creating a navigation that was flexible to change as the company's message was refined and expanded.

Design Samples      Mind the Gap Company website
               Home       Blog

March 24, 2010

Microsoft Excel 2003 & 2007 – Enter the Same Data into Other Worksheets

Have you ever wanted data in a cell that is in worksheet 1 to be put into another worksheet? No need to copy and paste, use this quick and easy tip to get the same results.

1. Enter the data into the first cell on the first worksheet.

2. Go to the other worksheet where you want the data to appear and highlight the cell where you want the data to appear.

3. In that cell type =

4. On the tabs select the worksheet where the data you want to enter is located.

5. Click on the cell that contains the data you want to copy to the other worksheet.

6. Press Enter. The data will now appear in the second worksheet.

March 18, 2010

PowerPoint 2007 – What’s New? - - Custom Slide Layouts

With Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, you are no longer confined to prepackaged layouts. You can now create your own custom layouts that can contain as many placeholders as you want; elements such as charts, tables, movies, pictures, SmartArt graphics, and clip art; and even multiple slide master sets with custom layouts for different slide topics.

You can also now save the layouts that you customize and create for future use.

March 10, 2010

Microsoft Word 2003 & 2007 – Inserting Page Breaks from the Keyboard

Page breaks is Microsoft Word’s method of signaling that the following text should begin at the top of a new page. You probably know that you can insert a page break by using your mouse and going to the drop down menu in Word. However, this involves removing your hands from the keyboard and using the mouse, which can disrupt the pace at which you are typing.

The quickest way to enter a page break using the keyboard is to simply press Ctrl+Enter. Word will add the page break and you can continue typing away.

March 3, 2010

Microsoft Excel - Changing your Worksheet Tab Color is Easy!

To change the worksheet tab color in Microsoft Excel 2003 & 2007 follow these simple steps:

1. Click on the tab of the worksheets you want to color.

2. Right click on the worksheet tab.

3. Click on Tab Color.

4. Pick a color.

March 2, 2010

There's no such thing as a computer expert

Sometimes when I'm introduced the person will say "Pamela's a computer expert." I always try to quickly correct that misconception. There is no such thing as a computer expert. There are people who know more than you do. Maybe people who know a lot more than you do. But no one knows everything about computers. It's such a huge topic and it's evolving so quickly, that at best you can learn one little aspect and be an expert at that.

Any computer person I know will tell you they get frustrated with new software and new hardware set ups just like everyone else. Because it's their job and maybe their passion, they just stick with it until they figure it out. That doesn't mean you're stupid because you can't figure out why your all-in-one printer won't fax. Or because you're struggling to learn a new piece of software. Computer knowledge doesn't come to you at birth or through osmosis. You have to work at it. It's a skill that requires training like all other skills.

I'm learning two new software programs right now. Trust me, there have been plenty of calls to tech support or searches through my reference books to find solutions. Tech support is one of the most important criteria for choosing software, in fact. You have to have assistance.

You and all of the other "experts."