Cutting and pasting is easy in Word. But, if you want to insert the entire contents of another document into your Word 2007 document, there's a quick shortcut.
To insert a document in your current Word 2007 document, follow these easy steps:
1. Position your cursor where you would like to insert the document
2. Open the Insert ribbon
3. Click Object in the Text section
4. Select Text From File from the popup menu
5. Select your document in the box that opens
6. You can opt to insert a portion of a Word document or a range of
Excel cells, if you choose. Just click the Range button. You can
specify a range of Excel cells or a Word Bookmark.
7. When you're done, click Insert
Magic! It’s a real time saver.
September 30, 2010
September 29, 2010
5 Extraordinary Blog Post Types that Will Grow Your Audience Faster
Great article about the right types of blog posts to write! Must Read!
September 28, 2010
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 - Nudging Objects Slightly
Have you ever gotten frustrated when you try to move a picture/object on a slide just a little bit? Here is a solution to try:
• Click on the picture/object you are trying to nudge.
• Press Ctrl with one of the arrow keys (up, down, left, or right) to
move the selected object in increments of .02 inches.
It’s easy and enables you to move the picture/object to the perfect position.
• Click on the picture/object you are trying to nudge.
• Press Ctrl with one of the arrow keys (up, down, left, or right) to
move the selected object in increments of .02 inches.
It’s easy and enables you to move the picture/object to the perfect position.
September 25, 2010
Administrative Support for The O'Malley Group
Tim O'Malley, President, of The O'Malley Group calls on Your Computer Lady for word processing assistance. Tim pulls information or details from multiple sources (AIA documents, manufacturer technical data, etc.) to create a working document for his projects. Your Computer Lady cleans up the document formatting and returns a professional document to Tim in less time than it would take him to do the clean up and with a lot less frustration!
September 24, 2010
Networking calender
I was introduced last night to a new web site - This site lists hundreds of networking events and groups in the Phoenix area. They offer a Passport for $10 a month that gets you into a lot of the events without paying the event's registration fee.
Shout out to Chandler Small Business Meetup. Interesting people and excellent networking!
Shout out to Chandler Small Business Meetup. Interesting people and excellent networking!
September 23, 2010
Microsoft Excel 2007 – Splitting Text from One Cell to Several Cells
Have you ever gotten a spreadsheet, and you need to break up the first and last name or break the address down to street address, city, state & zip. There is a very easy way to do this without retyping the information.
1. Insert the correct number of columns you will need once the data is
split. For example, if you have Miller, John, you would insert 1
column to the right of Miller, John so that the text has a place to
be inserted.
2. Highlight the column that contains the data that needs to be split.
3. Click on Data in your ribbon.
4. Click on Text to Columns and a dialogue box will appear.
5. For our example, you would pick Delimited, press the Next
6. Pick what your delimiters would be (tab, semicolon, comma,
space, other). For our example, it would be comma.
7. Excel will then draw a line in the dialogue box to show you
where it will split your text. If you are satisfied that it done
correctly, click Finish and watch what happens.
It’s a neat trick, and a time saver. Try it!
1. Insert the correct number of columns you will need once the data is
split. For example, if you have Miller, John, you would insert 1
column to the right of Miller, John so that the text has a place to
be inserted.
2. Highlight the column that contains the data that needs to be split.
3. Click on Data in your ribbon.
4. Click on Text to Columns and a dialogue box will appear.
5. For our example, you would pick Delimited, press the Next
6. Pick what your delimiters would be (tab, semicolon, comma,
space, other). For our example, it would be comma.
7. Excel will then draw a line in the dialogue box to show you
where it will split your text. If you are satisfied that it done
correctly, click Finish and watch what happens.
It’s a neat trick, and a time saver. Try it!
September 21, 2010
Microsoft Word 2007 - Adding a Stylish Cover Page
Sometimes your Microsoft Word 2007 documents would benefit from a fancy cover page. Instead of boring black centered text on a white background with the document name and title, why not add color, modern graphics, or a photograph?
Follow these easy steps to add a cover page to a Microsoft Word 2007 document
1. Select the "Insert" tab in the Ribbon.
2. In the "Pages" group, click the "Cover Page" command.
3. Click on your desired cover page template to add the cover page.
4. In the cover page, double-click on the fields highlighted to add the
appropriate text.
What a difference an informative yet stylish cover page could make with your next document.
Follow these easy steps to add a cover page to a Microsoft Word 2007 document
1. Select the "Insert" tab in the Ribbon.
2. In the "Pages" group, click the "Cover Page" command.
3. Click on your desired cover page template to add the cover page.
4. In the cover page, double-click on the fields highlighted to add the
appropriate text.
What a difference an informative yet stylish cover page could make with your next document.
How to Build a Content Timebomb
Well written article about writing blog posts. His basic premise is that you write timeless articles using keywords that people can find when doing searches. For example, instead of an interior designer only writing about new products (short time frame since they're only "new" for a short time), the designer would also write articles about how to choose the right colors for a living room remodel (a post that is relavant today, in six months or in six years).
An additional advantage to writing the timeless articles is that they can be submitted to blog sites such as Digg, ezine, etc. to promote the writer as well as the blog. The article could also be used in a monthly newsletter!
Read the full article.
An additional advantage to writing the timeless articles is that they can be submitted to blog sites such as Digg, ezine, etc. to promote the writer as well as the blog. The article could also be used in a monthly newsletter!
Read the full article.
September 16, 2010
Microsoft PowerPoint – Make the Most Out of Your Slides
To be an effective presenter, your slides need to be crystal clear. Think about it, people can’t read and listen at the same time. Consider these points when preparing your next presentation:
• If you put a lot of text on your slide, they’ll be reading your slide and
won’t hear what you are saying. Stick to short bullet points.
• If you need to provide detailed data such as a spreadsheet, use a
handout so people can follow along with what you are talking about.
• All text should be legible.
• Keep animation to a minimum.
• All visuals should be high-quality.
• Avoid distracting backgrounds.
• If you put a lot of text on your slide, they’ll be reading your slide and
won’t hear what you are saying. Stick to short bullet points.
• If you need to provide detailed data such as a spreadsheet, use a
handout so people can follow along with what you are talking about.
• All text should be legible.
• Keep animation to a minimum.
• All visuals should be high-quality.
• Avoid distracting backgrounds.
September 15, 2010
Microsoft Excel 2007 - Changing Worksheet Gridline Color
Want the gridlines in your worksheet to be a different color? You aren't limited to light gray/black. Excel 2007 lets you make them any color you want.
Most people using Excel leave the gridlines visible so that they can easily see the cells. By default the gridlines are a light gray/black. You can easily change the gridlines to a different color by following these steps:
1. Click the Office button and then click Excel Options.
2. Click Advanced at the left side of the dialog box.
3. Scroll through the options until you see the Display Options
for this Worksheet section.
4. Ensure the Show Gridlines check box is selected.
5. Using the Gridline Color drop-down list, choose the color
you want to use.
6. Click OK.
Most people using Excel leave the gridlines visible so that they can easily see the cells. By default the gridlines are a light gray/black. You can easily change the gridlines to a different color by following these steps:
1. Click the Office button and then click Excel Options.
2. Click Advanced at the left side of the dialog box.
3. Scroll through the options until you see the Display Options
for this Worksheet section.
4. Ensure the Show Gridlines check box is selected.
5. Using the Gridline Color drop-down list, choose the color
you want to use.
6. Click OK.
September 9, 2010
Microsoft Word 2007 - The Mini Toolbar
Having to move back and forth between the Ribbon and the body of your document is sometimes a waste of time. Word 2007 includes the clever mini toolbar.
Highlight text and point the cursor at it. Did you see what happens? A nearly transparent mini toolbar appears above the text, with a set of commands relevant to the text you've chosen. Move your cursor to the mini toolbar and it becomes solid; click a command to use it.
If the mini toolbar disappears for some reason, reselect the text, and it reappears.
Try it! It’s neat and very productive.
Highlight text and point the cursor at it. Did you see what happens? A nearly transparent mini toolbar appears above the text, with a set of commands relevant to the text you've chosen. Move your cursor to the mini toolbar and it becomes solid; click a command to use it.
If the mini toolbar disappears for some reason, reselect the text, and it reappears.
Try it! It’s neat and very productive.
September 7, 2010
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 – Turn off Automatic Capitalization
Can I Stop the Automatic Capitalization in PowerPoint 2007?
Yes, all the Microsoft Office products default setting in the program is to capitalize the first word in a line of text. This auto correct feature if very helpful in Microsoft Word, but not in PowerPoint. One of the main features of PowerPoint is creating slides containing bulleted text, which are often not sentences, but simply keywords. These points do not need to begin with a capital letter.
Follow these easy steps to turn off this feature in PowerPoint 2007:
1. Click the Office button in the top left corner of the screen
2. Click the PowerPoint Options button
3. Select Proofing in the list of options
4. Click the AutoCorrect Options... button
5. Remove the check mark from the option Capitalize first letter of
6. Click the OK button
From now on, any new line of text in PowerPoint will not be "corrected" to begin with a capital letter.
Yes, all the Microsoft Office products default setting in the program is to capitalize the first word in a line of text. This auto correct feature if very helpful in Microsoft Word, but not in PowerPoint. One of the main features of PowerPoint is creating slides containing bulleted text, which are often not sentences, but simply keywords. These points do not need to begin with a capital letter.
Follow these easy steps to turn off this feature in PowerPoint 2007:
1. Click the Office button in the top left corner of the screen
2. Click the PowerPoint Options button
3. Select Proofing in the list of options
4. Click the AutoCorrect Options... button
5. Remove the check mark from the option Capitalize first letter of
6. Click the OK button
From now on, any new line of text in PowerPoint will not be "corrected" to begin with a capital letter.
September 2, 2010
Jumping on the Social Media Bandwagon
A client asked me yesterday if I really thought all this "Social Media hype" was worthwhile. It can take up so much time and it's hard to see the results. I wanted to share my response with you because this is a VERY legitimate question.
I would not go out and join 10 new networking groups and spend all of my work day going to networking events. While each of the 10 groups might be good and each of the events might be good, that is just too much networking in proportion to my company size, my marketing budget and my workload.
The same thing applies to social media. Don't join LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Plaxo, ... just because they are there. Really look at their demographics and their structure to be sure it fits your overall marketing plan. If I was a rock star, I would spend a lot of time on My Space, not LinkedIn. As a business consultant, My Space offers me nothing while LinkedIn has real potential.
Work on one social media platform or type at a time. Don't try to blog, email, LinkIn, ... all at once. Choose one. Fill in your profile completely. Listen to what is going on on the Wall or in the groups. PARTICIPATE. Build some real connections. Then move on to the next one.
Set limits for your minimum participation and your maximum participation. One blog post a week. No more than 30 minutes a day on LinkedIn.
There is software to help you cross-pollinate your social media sites. Use it! My blog post will show up on LinkedIn and as a Tweet, for example. I will add other info on LinkedIn and in tweets but each effort is used at least twice.
Social media is new. You don't have to get it perfect right now. No one has it perfect. It's NEW. This is your time to learn, experiment and even make mistakes. You can fix them and improve.
Social media is here to stay. It will change Twitter may be absorbed into another company. LinkedIn might become part of some conglomerate. But social media is here to stay. It is not optional. But how you use it is.
Be wise! Ask for help. There are plenty of classes, books, webinars and gurus to help you, including Your Computer Lady.
I would not go out and join 10 new networking groups and spend all of my work day going to networking events. While each of the 10 groups might be good and each of the events might be good, that is just too much networking in proportion to my company size, my marketing budget and my workload.
The same thing applies to social media. Don't join LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Plaxo, ... just because they are there. Really look at their demographics and their structure to be sure it fits your overall marketing plan. If I was a rock star, I would spend a lot of time on My Space, not LinkedIn. As a business consultant, My Space offers me nothing while LinkedIn has real potential.
Work on one social media platform or type at a time. Don't try to blog, email, LinkIn, ... all at once. Choose one. Fill in your profile completely. Listen to what is going on on the Wall or in the groups. PARTICIPATE. Build some real connections. Then move on to the next one.
Set limits for your minimum participation and your maximum participation. One blog post a week. No more than 30 minutes a day on LinkedIn.
There is software to help you cross-pollinate your social media sites. Use it! My blog post will show up on LinkedIn and as a Tweet, for example. I will add other info on LinkedIn and in tweets but each effort is used at least twice.
Social media is new. You don't have to get it perfect right now. No one has it perfect. It's NEW. This is your time to learn, experiment and even make mistakes. You can fix them and improve.
Social media is here to stay. It will change Twitter may be absorbed into another company. LinkedIn might become part of some conglomerate. But social media is here to stay. It is not optional. But how you use it is.
Be wise! Ask for help. There are plenty of classes, books, webinars and gurus to help you, including Your Computer Lady.
Microsoft Excel 2007 – Sort from Left to Right
What if you need to sort something, but your data is left to right instead of top to bottom? Can you do that in Excel 2007? The answer is “YES!”
Excel 2007 default is to sort top to bottom. If you find you need to sort left to right, follow these easy steps to change the sort orientation:
1. Click “Sort”
2. “Options”
3. Click, “Sort Left to Right”
Excel 2007 default is to sort top to bottom. If you find you need to sort left to right, follow these easy steps to change the sort orientation:
1. Click “Sort”
2. “Options”
3. Click, “Sort Left to Right”
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