November 29, 2011

Microsoft Excel 2007 - Headers & Footers

In Microsoft Excel, headers and footers are lines of text that print at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of each page in a spreadsheet. 

A header information can appear in  the top left corner, the top center, and the top right corner of the page.
For footers, the locations are the bottom left corner, the bottom center, and the bottom right corner of the page.

How to add headers and footers to a worksheet:
  1. Click on File.
  2. Click on Page Setup.
  3. Select the Header-Footer tab.
  4. Select from the preset or custom header - footer options or create a new header or footer.

November 17, 2011

5 Ways to Make your Keyboard Easier to Use

How to use a keyboard might seem academic, but there’s more to typing than just tapping the keys. For most people, the keyboard is the primary computer input and control device—that’s why it’s important to leverage the features and shortcuts that keyboards offer. Read on for tips to maximize ease of use, comfort, and efficiency.

To continue reading this article, click here to go to Microsoft at Home web site.  

November 15, 2011

Microsoft Word 2007 - Controlling Scroll Bars

At the bottom and right side of the document there are scroll bars that control what part of the document you are viewing at any given time. If you need more room to view a document, you can turn off the scroll bars.

Following these steps to remove the scroll bars:
  1. Click the Office button and then click Word Options.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. Scroll through the options until you see the Display section.
  4. Use the Show Horizontal Scroll Bar check box to turn the horizontal scroll bar on or off.
  5. Use the Show Vertical Scroll Bar check box to turn the vertical scroll bar on or off.
  6. Click on OK.

November 10, 2011

Magnify your Computer Screen: 6 Ways to Make it Easier to See

Many computer users struggle to see the information on their monitors. Fortunately, easy remedies are at hand. Read on to discover ways to make your screen easier to see, including how to make the font bigger, magnify everything on your screen, increase icon size, and fine-tune screen resolution.

Click here to go to Microsoft at Home to continue reading this article. 

November 8, 2011

Microsoft PowerPoint - Keep Your Text Simple

You never want to write out your entire presentation on your slide.  You don't want your audience's attention to be fixed on the text on the slides.  Keep the text on your slides simple.  You need to put two or three key phrases or points on each slide.  This will help you will reinforce the most important points of your presentation.  Doing this will allow the audience to keep their attention on you, rather than focused on the slide.

November 4, 2011

The Importance of New, Relevant Content on Your Web Site

I know ya'll groan and roll your eyes when I get on my Content is King! soapbox. But read this article about Google's new algorithm and you will join me on the soapbox. Not only are they judging relevant, they're looking at what is most recent. For most of us, this isn't a hourly or even daily issue. It could be if I'm a stock broker, head hunter or restaurant. Yet it stresses the importance of keeping your site up to date. It does matter.

Google's New Algorithm

November 3, 2011

4 Tips for Safely Conducting Research on the Web

I found this great article on Microsoft at Work web site.

Surprisingly, basic safety is often ignored by people using the web to research information quickly and efficiently. If you use the Internet for research of any kind, you could be exposing yourself and your company to hidden dangers such as the unauthorized transfer of confidential information. And no one wants to be the person responsible for a company-wide computer network shutdown.

Click here to continue reading this article.  

November 1, 2011

Microsoft Word 2007 - Clearing Formatting From Text

When you’re cutting and pasting text into your Word document, it is easy to introduce formatting inconsistencies. But, it isn’t always so easy to rid your document of these formatting inconsistencies.  Sometimes, the best solution is to clear formatting from your text. You can then format it from scratch the way you want.

To clear formatting from text in Word 2007:
  1. Select the text that contains the formatting you would like to remove. 
  2. Locate the font section of the Home ribbon.
  3. Click the Clear Formatting icon. (The Clear Formatting button shows a white eraser, along with some letters.)