May 31, 2012

Basic Right-Click Tips

As a mouse user, you’ve probably noticed that there’s more than one way to click it. There’s the primary click that you do with your index finger, and there’s a secondary click that you do with one of your outer fingers. This is known as the right-click. (Why? Because right-handers rule. It’s a left-click for left-handers.)

Click here to continue reading this article from Microsoft at Work.  

May 30, 2012

An Extra Set of Hands for Arizona Builders Exchange

Arizona Builders Exchange needed assistance building a database and they needed the info fast! Your Computer Lady assisted with the project doing web research and gathering the info in an Excel spreadsheet. Quick turnaround on a small project that needed attention!

May 29, 2012

Microsoft Excel 2007 - Control Key

Did you know that in Excel, you can make non-contiguous selections using the Control key?

All you need to do is hold down the Control key while you click on a cell or click and drag through a range of cells. As long as you hold down the Control key, you can click and select to your heart's content.

Try it!

May 28, 2012

LinkedIn Advertising for Phoenix Deposition Services

Phoenix Deposition Services worked with Your Computer Lady on a trial of LinkedIn advertising. We set up alternate ads for testing and monitored the results together to finetune.

May 25, 2012

Software Training for Treese Counseling

When a client wants to manage their own WordPress web site, email service, etc. Your Computer Lady is happy to provide training to help them get started. We think of ourselves as partners and support for your business. So we will do as much training as you would like. PS – If you get in a bind, we’re always available for back up too!

May 24, 2012

Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point - Changing from Caps to Lower Case (or Vice Versa)

If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it changes to the case style that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles the text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles.

What a great time saving tip.  Try it!

May 23, 2012

Technical Literature Updates for Custom Metal Products

New technologies expanded Custom Metal Products’ product line.  Your Computer Lady helped update their technical literature to reflect the changes. Your Computer Lady updated door cut sheets, submittal package forms and order forms. Once the literature was completed, the CMP web site was updated too.

Why You Should Be Pinning Posts on Facebook

Here is a great article I found on Constant Contacts blog about why you should be pinning on Facebook.  Take a moment to read this.

May 22, 2012

Working Wirelessly: What You Need to Know

Many companies are making the leap to wireless networks in the office for both financial savings in overall equipment and sheer convenience for their employees. They also often provide mobile PCs with wireless capabilities to their employees so that they can be productive anytime anywhere, hence enhancing the company's bottom-line.

In this article, I will explain what WiFi is and how it works. I will also discuss what you need to start working wirelessly as well as what you can expect to gain from doing so. Finally, I'll discuss the precautions you should take when working on the go.

To continue reading this article, click here to go to Microsoft at Home.

May 21, 2012

Facebook Ads

Just got a call from the Facebook marketing dept.  They have 2 new programs where their experts work directly with you to create an ad campaign.  I’m not recommending this for you. I just wanted you to have the info for comparison and education.

Start to Success
$1500 / month in ads

Email & phone support from marketing dept for 28 days. They will review your objectives, help you create the campaign and help you analyze results. There is no contract. There is no minimum number of months that you have to do the campaign for.

Fast Track
$10,000 / month in ads

I also spoke to Constant Contact yesterday about their Social Campaigns. They have shifted the campaigns slightly to fit the new Timeline view. You will still create a landing page via CtCt. You would send that link out to your email contacts. When they click the link, they see a page (now stored at CtCt since it can’t be on your Facebook page)  telling them the benefits of Like-ing your page. They Like you then go to your Facebook page.  There is also a page for people who click the link who have already Liked your page.  There are traffic reports telling you have many opened the email and how many Liked your page.  You pay CtCt for the number of Likes you get from the campaign. 500 Likes cost $14.98.  You can also use the link on your web site, other email messages, etc. You can add the app to your Facebook page if you want to for random visitors.

So if you calculate that 500 Likes gets you 200 sales worth $2000, your ROI is excellent with Constant Contact, not so great with a Facebook program.

Remember, you can set up your own Facebook ad with your own budget. You just don’t get their marketing dept helping you.  

Very interesting!

May 17, 2012

Microsoft Excel 2007 - Merge Cells

The merge in Excel is a handy option to quickly format titles and headings.  It allows you to center titles evenly above your data by merging a number of cells into one and then centering the title in this one cell.  Follow these easy steps:

1.  Highlight the cells you want to merge.
2.  Right click on the mouse, Format cells.
3.  Click on the alignment cells tab
4.  Click on merge cells.

May 16, 2012

Facebook Support - Leo Buscaglia Foundation

Making consistent posts on Facebook can be very time consuming. The Leo Buscaglia Foundation uses Your Computer Lady to make bi-weekly posts. The Executive Director is then free to add posts whenever he has breaking news or time sensitive info.


May 15, 2012

Microsoft Word 2007 - Easily Insert a Page Break

You can let Word automatically insert the page breaks, but every once in awhile, you may want to insert the break yourself.  I usually manually insert page breaks when I want to start a new section or a new paragraph on the next page; this prevents it splitting between two pages.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to press CTRL + Enter.

May 14, 2012

Border Products Launches Social Media Campaign

Launching a social media campaign is a big job. Your Computer Lady stepped up to assist Border’s marketing department by doing the initial set up of LinkedIn personal profiles and company profiles, Facebook company pages, Twitter accounts and Constant Contact email accounts. With the set up done, Border was able to jump into the meat of the campaign.

May 11, 2012

3 Stubborn PC Problems You Can Fix

Ever notice how each PC has a personality of its own? Or maybe even multiple personalities? In the course of a week, your computer may act friendly, moody, and sometimes downright mean.

However, don't take a hammer to your PC just yet. The following is a list of common symptoms and treatments to help even the most troublesome PCs. You don't even have to be a psychologist (at least not yet) to deal with your PC's neuroses.

Windows 7 and Windows Vista usually manage this automatically, but overall you'll find that these tips work for all versions of Windows, from Windows 95 to Windows 7.

Click here to go to Microsoft at Work to read the full article. 

May 9, 2012

New Web Site for Phoenix Brick Yard

A new site full of technical information and important details for architects and DIYers. This is an ongoing project. Your Computer Lady is working with Phoenix Brick Yard staff as additional information is gathered to expand the site. Stay tuned for project photos and more technical expertise.  

Phoenix Brick Yard web site.

May 8, 2012

Changing the File Save Location in Microsoft Office 2007

By default, Word 2007 stores your documents in the My Documents folder. This means you always know where to look for your files.  However, you may want to store your documents in a different location. 

So, if you want to specify a new default save location, you can. It will save you time, and you can be sure that your documents will be stored in the folder of your choice. 

1. Click the Office button
2. Select Advanced
3. In the General section, click File Locations
4. Select Documents in the File types list
5. Click Modify
6. Use the navigation controls to select the new location for your files
7. Click OK on each of the dialog boxes to close them

May 7, 2012

How to Create Content Without Doing the Work

A question I hear a lot from our customers lately is “I have no idea what to post on my social media sites. How do I create content?”

If I said “You don’t have to,” would you believe me? It’s true!

One of the great things about social media marketing is the access we have to lots of content.

Facebook users create an average of 90 pieces of content a month. All this creativity is too good to keep to ourselves – so we share it. Every 60 seconds on Facebook, users share 50,000 links with their friends.

Click here to continue reading this article.

May 4, 2012

Neoporte Chooses Zoho CRM

Neoporte needed a CRM that could be customized for their door manufacturing process and shared by employees in different locations. Your Computer Lady assisted in the set up of the database, training of personnel and report creation.

May 3, 2012

6 Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read

If you’re like a lot of us, you get so much email every day that you might spend as little as 15 seconds scanning a message to determine how it applies to you. Now, imagine that other people are reading your email the same way. If they can't quickly identify the purpose of your message, they’ll probably delete it or leave it in the Inbox for "later"— if later ever comes.

In this article, I give 6 tips to ensure that your email messages are read and get the attention they deserve.

Read the full article at Microsoft at Work.

May 1, 2012

Microsoft Excel 2007 - Display Formulas

In 2007 and 2010 versions of Excel, you can display your formulas by pressing CONTROL~.

This feature is really helpful when trying to find all the formulas in your spreadsheet.   To switch back, press CONTROL~.

Try it!

The Value of Social Media

Hot new research on the value of social media for B2B companies.  You need to know how your company compares.

 Read the article!