April 28, 2011

Microsoft Word 2007 - Transfer Information Side by Side by Dragging!

Whenever you need to copy information from one Word document to another, we all know how to cut and paste, right?  Did you know you can drag the information from one document to another? 

For example, if you want to copy a picture from Document 1 to Document 2, follow these easy steps:

1. Open Document 1.

2. Open Document 2 and click the View tab, click the Side By Side
    command in the Window group.

3. Click in Document 2 and click Window under the View tab and
    click Synchronous Scrolling to turn it off.

4. Select the picture in Document 1.

5. Right-click and drag the selected picture to where you want to
    insert the picture in Document 2.

6. Release the mouse button.

This also works with text.  Follow the steps above, but highlight the text you want to drag.  Once highlighted, right-click, and drag to the other document and release the mouse button. 

It's a neat trick.  Try it!

Slow but Steady Growth in Social Media by Small Businesses

There is a steady increase in the use of social media by small businesses. I see this everyday in my own business so I'm not surprised. Nor am I surprised that small businesses are focusing on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Social media does take time and effort so it makes more sense to do a great job on two or three platforms instead of a mediocre job on ten platforms.

This is not the time to just follow the pack. If your business has more to gain with videos, put your big efforts into YouTube. If you are selling B2B, Facebook may not serve you at all. Each business must look at social media and see what aspects will give them the greatest ROI.  Make a specific marketing plan then follow it!

Read the full article/study in eMarketer.

April 26, 2011

5 Ways to Make your Keyboard Easier to Use

How to use a keyboard might seem academic, but there’s more to typing than just tapping the keys. For most people, the keyboard is the primary computer input and control device—that’s why it’s important to leverage the features and shortcuts that keyboards offer. Read on for tips to maximize ease of use, comfort, and efficiency.

To continue reading this email, click here to go to Microsoft at Home website.

April 25, 2011

13 Amazing but True Ways to Dilute Your Marketing Message

I'm giving this presentation tomorrow at The Reference Library at 9 am. Generally the meetings are for TRL members only but they said I could invite my clients!  Call me if you would like to attend. I'll make your reservations. No charge!

#13 Leave your phone number off the marketing piece.

You would be shocked at how often this happens!  A company creates a new brochure with beautiful pictures  and a catchy slogan but forgets to include the phone number so the eager-to-buy prospect can call to place their order.

The discussion will focus on the do’s and don’ts of marketing literature including how to “localize” your corporate material.
  •  What picture do people see of you in social media?
  • Common web site errors 
  • Value of Linecards 
  • E-newsletters people want to read
  • Use of corporate graphics

April 21, 2011

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 - Add Slide Numbers

Some times you may want to add slide numbers to your Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 presentations.  Follow these easy steps:

1. Make sure no text box or other element is selected.

2. Click the "Insert" tab in the Ribbon.

3. In the "Text" section, click the "Slide Number" button.

4. The "Header and Footer" dialog box appears. Make sure the "Slide"
    tab is selected.

5. Check "Slide number".

6. Check "Don't show on title slide" if you don't want the first slide to
    include the slide number.

7. Click the "Apply to All" button.

April 19, 2011

How to Clean your Computer

It's Spring Cleaning Time.  Yes, even your computer needs some spring cleaning.  Read this article below from Microsoft Office at Home.

I have a dirty secret. I've never cleaned my computer. Sure, I've dusted my monitor, but I haven't taken off the cover or tried to reach the crumbs lurking inside my keyboard. And I honestly don't know the difference between pressurized air dusters and compressed air cleaners.

"Your computer could fry if you don't keep it clean," says Jonathon Millman, chief technology officer for Hooplah Interactive.

Whether it's a desktop or laptop/notebook computer, dust and lint can clog the cooling vents. This can cause your computer's brain—the central processing unit (CPU)—to heat up. And heat is the biggest cause of component failure in computers. Regular cleaning could save you costly maintenance fees down the road.

Follow the five simple steps in the cleanup and maintenance routine below to keep your computer and accessories looking shiny and new. It's an easy, do-it-yourself solution to help them run smoothly and last longer.

To continue reading, click here.

April 15, 2011

Microsoft Word 2007 – Accents and Non-English Characters Shortcut

Sometimes it is necessary to have to put an accent mark on non-English words. Below are some common non-English characters that you may use in your Word document.

Hold down the ALT key and type the following numbers on the numbers only keyboard section (on the right side of the keyboard).

Common Shortcuts:

Á --ALT+0193
á --ALT+160
Ú --ALT+0218
ü --ALT+129
É --ALT+144
é --ALT+130
Ñ --ALT+165
ñ --ALT+164
Í --ALT+0205
í --ALT+161
¿ --ALT+168
¡ --ALT+173
Ó --ALT+0211
ó --ALT+162

April 12, 2011

Microsoft Excel 2007 – Hide/Unhide Columns in Excel

There may be times when you want to hide some columns in Excel. There are several ways to do this:

1. Right click on a column, and click “hide”.

2. To unhide the column, highlight the hidden column, right click
    and click “unhide”.

If you want to hide several columns that are not consecutive:

1. Right click on a column while holding down the control key,
   and click all the columns you wish to hide, right click and
   click “hide.”

2. To unhide the column, highlight which columns were hidden,
    right click and click “unhide”.

April 7, 2011

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 - Print Multiple Slides on one Handout Page with Lines

In PowerPoint, you can set handout options for printing in several ways. You can choose from six different layout options for handouts according to the number of slides you want per page; choose 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 9.

1. One-slide-per-page layout with a horizontal orientation.
2. Three-slides-per-page layout. This option has a vertical orientation
    and comes with blank lines for audience notes.
3. A handout with six slides per page, oriented horizontally. For four
   or more slides per page, choose between a horizontal (read across)
   or vertical (read down) order.

Follow these steps:
1. Press the Microsoft Office Button.
2. Press Print
3. Under Print What, select what you want to print. Your options are:
     a. Slides
     b. Handouts
     c. Notes Pages
     d. Outline Pages
4. Under handouts, select:
     a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 9 slides per page
     b. A preview appears with each setting to show you what you will
         get. To print with lines for the audience to take notes, you would
         select 3 slides per page.

April 6, 2011

How Much is a Facebook Fan Worth?


I found this article in a discussion on LinkedIn about Facebook pages. The data is almost a year old so in social media time that's close to obsolete. But I felt the article was worth sharing because it tells the business owner how to measure the success of their Facebook page. I may not be sophisticated enough to calculate a dollar value. But I can look at my clients and measure at least in terms of Yes or No.
     Do the fans of my page talk to me more often than a non-fan?
     Do the fans of my Facebook page buy more than a non-fan?
     Do I have a longer business lifespan with Facebook fans?

If you get positive answers to these questions, you know the Facebook work is worthwhile. If you don't know the answers, you need to work on your marketing intelligence to get the answers.

Facebook is not for everyone. Just because it's hot today doesn't mean you have to jump on the bandwagon. Or maybe you need a limited presence instead of a Facebook microsite. But don't stay away from Facebook (or other social media) out of fear or lack of knowledge. Make a modest effort. Measure your results. Then adjust your marketing plan appropriately.

April 5, 2011

Microsoft Word 2007 - Reverse the Print Order

Some printers print so that page 1 lands face up on the bottom of the stack. To avoid having to manually reorder the pages and to save time, did you know you can reverse the print order in Microsoft Word?

To have the document pages print in reverse order so that page 1 is on the top:

1.  Click the Microsoft Office Button.

2.  Choose Word Options from the bottom of the screen.

3.  Move to the Advanced group of options.

4.  Scroll down to find the Print options.

5.  Click to choose Print pages in reverse order. (This change affects
     all print jobs not just the current document).

6.  Pick OK to apply.