July 15, 2013

Delivering relevant content is a top concern for B2B email marketers

An article from Constant Contact Blogs

"For business-to-business (B2B) marketers, being able to target the right message to the right audience is a top priority.
According to a recent report from BtoB Magazine, 47% of B2B respondents cite “delivering content that’s relevant to a segment” as the top tactic they can take to improve their email marketing efforts. Lead nurture programs (43%), content quality and volume (40%), and list segmentation (30%) were also top concerns for B2B email marketers.
As far as email marketing goals, customer acquisition is the top goal of B2B businesses. Other goals include: lead nurturing (29%), brand awareness (18%), customer retention (15%).
Bottom Line: Whether you’re a B2B, B2C, or nonprofit organization, delivering content that’s relevant to your target audience is an important part of any email marketing campaign. By delivering content that’s relevant to your readers, you’ll have more opportunities to engage your audience and to stay top-of-mind in the process.

When you consider that for 56% of consumers, irrelevant content is a top reason for unsubscribing from brand email lists, it’s clear that all email marketers need to be focused on delivering the right content to the right people every time they hit send."

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