July 15, 2007

Administrative Support - Patrick Lyons, Realtor

Pat first contacted me about doing some ACT! training since he was switching from Goldmine to ACT!  While he stills calls with an occasional ACT! question, the majority of his calls are administrative support projects. He needs to do a mailing or he wants to do a broadcast email. Pat realizes that there are some computer tasks that just aren't worth his time to learn. He wouldn't use them often enough to justify the learning time or retention efforts. So he'll call me occasionally and we'll take care of a task. Often in less than an hour. We use GoToMeeting since it allows me to work on his computer with his data.

I love that fact that Pat feels comfortable enough with me to stop me when I go into lecture mode and tell me, "Pamela, that's more than I need to know right now! Tell me that later!"   I hope to develop that level of confidence with all of my clients.

To learn more about Patrick and his real estate services, check his web site.

1 comment:

  1. This is Patrick Lyons. Pamela is right! I trust her completely to get the job done once RIGHT!
