May 4, 2010

PowerPoint – No More than 5 Words Per Line

You should limit yourself to five lines of text per slide and no more than 5 words per line. Following this rule is a common practice among professional presenters. Most beginners like to fill their slides with text. In general, doing so is a BIG mistake.

Another rule is that the slides should be able to be read in less than 7 seconds. The bottom line is that the material that you put on your slides should only be your main points and not everything that you want to say.

When you put a lot of text on a slide, people will be reading what’s on the slide rather than hearing what you are saying. You should only put a lot of text on the screen when you want the people to read the slide and NOT listen to you.

In general "less is more" when deciding what text to put on your slides.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely agree. Also avoid backgrounds so artistic that they are distracting, avoid the risk that they will also be illegible in a large room with a big screen projector that looks different than a PC screen.
