May 4, 2010

Buscaglia Foundation Email Campaign & Focus Changes

A couple of small additions to the Leo Buscaglia Foundation newsletter were made to change the emphasis of the newsletter. The bi-monthly newsletter - which YCL has been creating for 2+ years - has been an education tool to help the readers/donors learn about the organizations the Foundation makes grants to. While this is a worthwhile purpose, the Foundation wanted to accomplish more with the newsletters.

First a section was added to encourage readers to share the newsletter with their friends and family. This is a great way to grow the email list. Most Email Service Providers automatically add a link to each newsletter to let readers forward the message. But YCL adds a link when possible near the top of the newsletter to make it easier to see.

Your Email Service Provider should include a list of Forwards in your traffic reports. PLEASE follow up with every person who forwards your emails. Thank them for taking the extra step. If at all possible, reward them in some way. It can be as simple as a thank you in the next newsletter, a personal call or a small gift.

CAUTION!  You can not pay readers to forward your emails. I know that popped into your head! That is prohibited by the CAN-SPAM Act. But you can reward someone who forwards your messages.

Forwarding can be do in two ways. The preferable method is via your email service and the Forward link in your message. This allows the forward to be tracked. The other method is via your email client such as Outlook. You can always forward a newsletter as you would forward any other email. Forwards via a email client can't be tracked however.

The second change to the Buscaglia newsletter was a clear request for a donation. This follows the thinking of the oldest sales advice "Ask for the order!"  So the Foundation added a section to the newsletter requesting a donation to help assist more organizations. It is definitely a soft sell but the logic does apply that if you never ask, you never receive.  Same goes for all of our businesses!!

Here's a sample of the newsletter. What do you think?

The Leo Buscaglia Foundation web site

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